Wednesday 22 September 2010

Walks 10/11 Cottered and Moor Green going south

A fine day and a need for some fresh air brought about a change of schedule and an earlier walk than had been planned.

We are still working our way north and chose to start this walk from the northern edge of a double link in the chain at Cottered which was new to us with lots of thatched cottages and a pub, the Bull, which provided us with lunch before we started.

The walk was varied, starting through pasture, and then as we headed south became increasingly arable. Both held their navigational challenges - a young copse described in the 1994 guide was now a full blown wood - and fields which had formerly had a footpath across were now ploughed and so the crossing was largely guesswork with guidance from the book - harder work though as you trod down the large clods.

The local farm advertised full or half sheep and the ones we passed were enormous - so probably a good deal....tractors were everywhere as the rush was on to get the fields ready for the winter crops - no longer left as winter stubble for the feeding finches.

It was all very rural with no roads of any significance now - though a Roman road crossed half way south (and north..) was now just a straight track. The weather was glorious and the blackberries juicier than ever in the autumn sunshine and we managed to get back to the start a little puffed but in one piece.

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