Sunday 29 August 2010

Walk 5 - Hertingfordbury to Marden Hill

Publicity around the church produced a record number of walkers - 22 for the round trip from Hertingfordbury - including Jackie Fowler's weekend campers...

Just as we left Hertingfordbury a heavy shower descended but spirits were not dampened and we trusted the sunshine to follow that the weather men had promised. The route started along the old Hertford to Welwyn railway line again and then cut through Birch Green and across the old Panshanger Estate - now minus its stately home which was demolished after the war but having gained the inevitable gravel workings. By now the sun was out...and the walkers were spreading out too!

The route then crossed the Mimram - now full of water again - and up past Marden Hill House which had escaped Panshanger's fate and still sits in its own grounds - before looping back across farmland and through woodland back to Hertingfordbury.

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